Company Introduction

NKTECH, a company leading with trust and technology

Company Overview

Path of challenge of NKTECH that has been trodden with our clients


09.Patent registration – Water spray nozzle, Mobile Gun

07.Certification for management innovation-type small and medium business (MAIN-BIZ)

06.Registration of automobile management business


04.Certification as technology innovation type small and medium business (INNO-BIZ)


09.Selected as promising small and medium business in Gyeonggi-do, and acquisition of ISO9001 and 14001 certificates

01.Registration of category 1 specialized gas construction business


08.Construction of Mobile CNG charging facility

03.Increase in capital by 1.0 billion Won (paid-in capital: 2.2 billion Won)

02.Registration of business for construction of specialized fire extinction facilities


09.Establishment of technology research center as the subsidiary institution of the company

09.Certification by KOLAS (authorized testing institution)

04.Increase in capital by 600 million Won (paid-in capital: 1.2 billion Won)

04.Acquisition of NK Container Co., Ltd.

01.Installation of Noksan Branch Office (#1464-1 Songjeong-dong, Gangseo-gu)


06.Increase in capital by 300 million Won (paid-in capital: 600 million Won)

01.Registration of changes in NKTECH Co., Ltd.